Recipe Card Renovation

Cooking at home saves money.  That’s not the only reason I do it though.  I love cooking.  It’s therapeutic.  For dinner, I start cooking almost the moment my husband comes in the door (after a warm greeting and a kiss, of course) and I essentially have alone time until the food is done…not that I ever prolong this on purpose.

6352b0bd731079f7bab19eee0c717376Presentation is also a big deal to me.   I fix our plates on the counter and then move them to the set table.  It’s not fancy, but you eat with your eyes first right.

I’ll post some of my more successful personal recipes soon, but mostly I cook from others.  I have 3 years worth of Everyday Food Magazine (a discontinued magazine by Martha Stewart that was all recipes and tips and the size of a Reader’s Digest, can you tell I’m sad it’s discontinued) that I still thumb through and find new things.  I especially love America’s Test Kitchen cookbooks, though I’ve found I have to plan ahead and begin cooking earlier to have many of their meals done in good time.  They do things right, but not always fast.  We eat a lot of Thai food.  I highly recommend Quick and Easy Thai by Nancie McDermott.  (My go to gift for a foodie.)  My husband loves cookbooks and regularly brings a new one home from the library.  Right now we’re having great success with Homesick Texan’s Family Table.  (Pictured above: my presentation of Homesick Texan’s black bean sopes with chipotle crema)

We peruse Food Network for recipes from our favorites, mostly Alton Brown and Aarti Sequeira.  My favorite place to store any recipes I find online is on Pinterest.  I pin a lot, but I’m also proud that I try out a good percentage of what I pin.  That means that I’m often cooking from a laptop or even my little phone.  Thanks to my mother-in-law for Christmas I can now cook from an iPad mini.  But when I find a recipe I repeat, I prefer to make a recipe card.  No scrolling or page turning necessary.

IMG_8697I made my first of these recipe cards for gifts on Adobe InDesign.  I gave recipes and pantry ingredients in a basket for Christmas years ago.  I printed some extras for myself and affixed them to the fridge with a sticky backed magnet strip.IMG_8699

IMG_8700Then I went to use it and realized I was an innovative genius!  My stove hood is metal and now I have my recipe card in the perfect place… eye level (or a little above for me, I’m only 5’2”).

IMG_8695I’ve filled the side of my fridge now, so I’ll soon have to place them in an old-school recipe card box, but I love these.  If you have a laminator, that’d be even better.  My cards get steam cooked a little and need to be reprinted every so often.  (Scratch and sniff recipe cards! My next million dollar idea?)

How about you… Do you try out new recipes often?  Do you scroll on your phone or turn a page?

11 thoughts on “Recipe Card Renovation

  1. I love reading your blog, Maria. My recipe box is tiny and completely messed up…I have a drawer and a shelf full of recipe books, papers, and magazines…usually I have the laptop on the counter when using a new recipe…I like your idea of the cards with magnets 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this idea! I’m always trying new recipes but usually I just google whatever kind of recipe I want. Then get annoyed when I love it and can’t find it later. I need to get more organized in my life and you’ve got some helpful tips. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your blogs. They include my two favorite things – food and organization. ^_^

    I mostly (almost only) use recipes from Pinterest. I’ve tried many, many recipes from there. Unfortunately, I’m a picky eater, and so is our daughter. That limits what I can cook. Fortunately, Jason will eat just about anything, and he has a cast-iron stomach, so if I screw up the recipe, he can handle it lol.

    I love to cook, but it’s hard for me right now because it hurts me to stand there long enough to cook anything. I’m hoping once the doctors can get my back problems fixed, I will be able to enjoy cooking more.

    You’re awesome, and I sincerely enjoyed both of your blogs that I read. I hope you continue to write them!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I do all of the above…look in cook books, cook from the ipad, look at my phone, now a kindle is also in play. I have some Food and Family magazines I have saved (need to find those). I am not really a big fan of cooking but I’m trying to get better at it. I love your tips! The recipe card tip is brilliant. I have also started a composition notebook to copy recipes into that I find online and that I love. Yesterday I was so proud of myself for successfully frying up chicken strips. 🙂 It’s the little things…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I like Rachel Ray magazine–she cooks like I do, or like to think I do, dishes you’ve heard but with a twist. I do some cooking from Pinterest and some from my tried and trues (accumulated in a folder).


    1. I started with several of Rachel Ray’s cookbooks, but we started gaining a lot of weight and I blamed her for it, though it was really eating all four servings just the two of us every meal. 🙂


  6. I get so many positive comments when someone sees that I hang my recipe from the stove hood! I’ve been doing this for years. I hand write my recipes on index cards and then hang it using a magnetic clip. I store my recipes in small photo albums. Easy to store and easy to find what I’m looking for!

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